簡介 Introduction
Sai Wan is one of the districts in Hong Kong where many elderly people gather. With aging the self-caring ability of the elderly will anyhow deteriorate to some extent. Yet, many elderly people still need to work hard every day to fend for themselves and to be worried about their livelihood. Although we cannot greatly improve their living, it is still hoped that volunteers can proactively visit the needy in the neighbourhood, to ease their expenses on daily necessity items and psychological burden, and also to bring them hope and support.
路線圖 (實況地圖在下方)

所需時間:2.5 - 3 小時
Blue Route:
Start: Exit A, Sai Ying Poon Station
End: Hill Road Flyover
Time Needed: 2.5-3 Hours
Walking Distance: 1200 Meters
所需時間:1.5 - 2 小時
Red Route
Start: Exit A, Sai Ying Poon MTR Station
End: King George V Memorial Park
Time Needed: 1.5-2 Hours
Walking Distance: 250 Meters
1. 集體祈禱
1. Group Prayer
Volunteers can first pray together, hoping that under God’s guidance, the following work can really help the people in need.

2. 購買物資
2. Purchase Materials/Supplies
After meal, volunteers can visit the small shops and stores to buy some toiletries, daily necessity items and a small amount of food for distribution during the visits afterwards. These stores are small-scale shops which serve the people in the neighbourhood; so they worth and are in need of our support.
*Please look at the List of Small-Scale Stores for reference

3. 體驗拾荒
3. Experience Scavenging
After preparing the materials, volunteers can experience scavenging by collecting cardboard and cans from the nearby garbage bins.
(You may bring gloves, plastic bags and other materials)

如何打開話匣子? (實際情況可能不同)
1. 伯伯/婆婆,我地係______教會既義工,今日專誠黎探你架。
2. 伯伯/婆婆,你做緊咩呀?得唔得閒一齊傾下偈?
4. 探訪長者
4. Visit The Elderly
What Sai Wan and the vicinity have the most should be elderly people. Volunteers can try to visit the elderly, and have a chat with them.
*List of Gathering Points of the Elderly People
Points-to-Note when Visiting the Elderly

5. 探訪露宿者
5. Visit the Homeless
Sai Wan has some street sleepers, yet the locations may not be apparent. Volunteers can bring supplies and reserve time to visit them.
*List of Gathering Points of the Homeless People
Points-to-Note when Visiting the Homeless
如何打開話匣子? (實際情況可能不同)
1. 你好呀,我地係______教會既義工,今日專誠黎探你架。
2. 咦,你做緊咩呀?得唔得閒一齊傾下偈?

If there is time, a more in-depth option for volunteers is to have deep talk with the homeless, trying to understand their backgrounds and daily lives.
Supportive services
Volunteers alone may not be able to meet every need of the homeless/elderly, thus, we would suggest volunteers, if necessary, refer the subjects to respective supportive services for help, and provide more advice to the subjects regarding the assistance available in society, so that the subjects can be more supported.
*List of nearby supportive services/facilities
Volunteers can also inform the subjects about where the services are provided, so that they can seek assistance on their own.
If there is any need, volunteers can seek help from the partner churches and organizations of HKCNP
物資/小店 Supplies/ Small-Scale Shops
長者聚集點 Gathering Points of the Elderly
露宿者聚居點 Gathering Points of the Homeless
附近支援服務/設施 Nearby Supportive services/ Facilities
教關伙伴教會/機構 HKCNP Partner Churches/ Organizations
如有任何查詢,歡迎與教關聯絡,電話:3689 9810
If you have any enquiry, please feel free to contact HKCNP. Tel.: 3689 9810