Understand Poverty, Experience It Yourself
Care for the Community, Let’s Be Actively Involved
The dazzling neon lights and the ubiquitous skyscrapers in Hong Kong make us all praise that Hong Kong is such a prosperous city. Yet, behind the veil of prosperity, there are groups of people being neglected: the homeless, the elderly without anyone to rely on and the ethnic minority groups who seem lost in this foreign city. Hong Kong being one of the world’s most competitive cities cannot conceal the fact that Hong Kong fell to the 49th place in the ranking of Gini Coefficient in 2015, and this reflects the severity of the problem of income disparity in Hong Kong.
Despite that we cannot immediately improve the living standards of the people in poverty, we can offer them some daily necessities, warmth and care to ease their financial and mental burden, to make them feel the acceptance and care from society and to establish a better network for the poor.

1. 推動信徒參與關懷社區、扶貧等服侍,以生命影響生命,讓更多人加入關懷貧窮的大家庭
2. 為信徒提供更深入了解地區貧窮情況的機會,讓扶貧議題得到更多關注
3. 讓各區有需要的貧困人士能得到適切的支援
4. 藉此讓不同義工、受眾感受到愛與關懷
1. Promote participation of Christians in caring for the neighbourhoods, easing poverty and in other community services, using life to affect life, and make more people enter the big family which engages in caring for the poor.
2. Bring Christians opportunities to better understand the situations of poverty in various districts, and raise awareness on anti-poverty issues.
3. Let the poor people in need in various districts receive timely assistance.
4. Through this, let volunteers and beneficiaries feel the love and care
1. 有志認識 / 服務區內貧窮群體的人
2. 教會團契外展活動
3. 親子體驗活動
1. People who wish to learn about/serve the poor in the districts
2. Reaching-out activities for church fellowships
3. Experience activities for families
Recommended Actions
1. 光顧小店/購買待用飯劵
2. 體驗拾荒
3. 帶同物資探訪長者
4. 探訪露宿者(進深選擇)
1. Visit small shops/ Purchase meal coupons
2. Experience scavenging
3. Visit the elderly together with supplies
4. Visit the homeless (Advanced Choice)
How to use?
1. 從以下地圖或上面toolbar選擇地區 (e.g. 深水埗、觀塘、西環⋯⋯
2. 詳細閱讀路線圖、行動概覽、各項表格和注意事項
3. 從路線圖選擇其中一條路線作為參考,真實路線可以有所修改
4. 組長/帶隊的弟兄姐妹可以先進行一次考察,然後再帶其他人去
5. 帶備適量錢、水和其他所需物資 (e.g. 手套、膠袋、紙巾、毛巾、有半年以上食用日期的餅乾......)
6. 出發!
7. 完成後,請填寫回應表,以便教關作紀錄和改善
1. From the map below or the tool bar above, select a district (Sham Shui Po, Kwun Tong, Sai Wan… ).
2. Look, in detail, into the route map, the action preview, every form and points-to-note.
3. Select a route from the route map for reference, the actual route can be modified.
4. Group leader/Leading group members can go for a pre-trip inspection before leading the group to the expedition.
5. Bring an appropriate amount of money, water and other materials (e.g. gloves, tissue paper, towel, food which will only be expired after at least 6 months).
6. Set off!
7. After the expedition, please fill in the reflection form, for HKCNP to make record and improvements.

時間:2.5 - 3 小時
時間:4 - 5 小時
時間:3 - 4 小時
如有任何查詢,歡迎與教關聯絡,電話:3689 9810
If you have any enquiry, please feel free to contact HKCNP. Tel.: 3689 9810
© HKCNP 2015. htttp://www.hkcnp.org.hk